Sunday, August 5, 2012


I know it has been awhile since I have updated but I have been one busy mama. We until about a month ago still had court stuff going on and in June I had my visitation hearing. I was given every other weekend and wednesdays. I am sick over this daily and worry about my litle girl and her emotional and physical well being.

I was informed that her father, yeah this 'great parents who was given custody', is essentially homeless and sleeping with a 17 year old girl. He parties with high school age kids and buys then alcohol and is smoking pot too. My daughter is in the middle of this and I have to hear stories from her about '(name I will not say) smoking in the car with her with the windows up' (down is still TERRIBLLLEEEEE!) and about her dad being with this person and that person and where she stayed last night versus a few nights ago. My heart is breaking for her and I want to just keep her safe with me and tell her everything is alright but because a judge awarded this idiot sole custody I can't do that now.

I am looking for prayers and prayers for my daughters (all of them), me and my husband as well.

Saturday, December 3, 2011


Well we are doing the appeal and moving forward...I am ready to go full speed ahead to get my daughter back and I will be keeping everyone up to date through here from now on~ Be sure to check back every now and then!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Our Story

My name is O {using initals for security reasons} and this is the story of how my daughter was taken from me. I am a mother to three wonderful daughter's: E, C and S {these have been shortened to protect them as well. This story starts a long time ago but I will keep it to the facts and only what information is neccessary. I dated someone who we will call X for this story.

 I became pregnant in the spring of 2007, X and I lived together and did not have a fantastic relationship nor were we married. X was and had been abusive both physically and emotionally to myself. Fast forward to the birth of my amazing little E on January 2nd 2008. I had a part time job and X had a full time 3rd shift job. By the fall of 2008 I did not feel safe being with X anymore so on September 10th 2008 I packed up E's things and my things and we went to live with my sister until we could get our own place.

X was hardly getting Emma for the schedule we had decided on and if he did most of the time E was with X's mother. I provided everything to E with no help from X (no child support). Things went on this way for awhile but luckily in October of 2008 I met an amazing man and I we had a daughter ourselves, C. We will call my AMAZING man M. M is in the U.S. Navy and was attending school at the U of I. He and I got married in the Fall of 2010 and I moved to be with him and E and C in Champaign and I quit my jobs to be a stay at home mom. We were a family and did everything together with X only getting E on the weekends, although the only difference was he was providing child support because in the spring of 2010 I had finally taken him to court to get the child support order. He signed papers at that court date giving me full custody of E. M and I found out I was pregnant in the Spring of 2011!

X knew that M would be restationed in the Summer of 2011 after his graduation from U of I and his comissioning in the US Navy out to South Carolina. In December of 2010 X filed a petition for full custody and M and I filed a petition for removal (to be able to take E from the state with us). After court dates and failed mediation it was time for trial in the Summer of 2011. X and his family got onto the stand and lied and manipulated the judge into thinking I was a monster of a mother and he and his family were the only positive people in E's life. X's mother and father in law have some money so they put out a ton of money to get a very aggressive lawyer. My husband and I paid our own legal fees and with me being a stay at home mom and my husband in the military we don't have much extra income to get the best of the best. We fought as hard as we could and we told the truth in court which was the only way to go in our minds. X has a domestic violence charge on him from smashing his current fiancee's head into her car, he has had 4-5 jobs in the past 4 years, no health insurance for E (we currently hold health insurance for her), he lives with his fiancee' and her son who has a history of mental and behavioral problems and the list goes on and on. I am a stay at home mother, she has two sisters in our home, my husband has been in her life and a strong male role model for her since she was 8 months old.

In Sept. of this year I gave birth to my third daughter, S. Somehow with all their lies about me and the attorney they had we found out this week that X won sole custody of my daughter. Myself and everyone I know are in complete shock! I worry for E and her future and my heart is breaking for her and C, as they have grown up together and become best friends. We don't know now what our family will become as my husband has to report for duty in South Caroline on the 28th of November and we will be here as we have decided to file an appeal.


We appealled to the appellate court and supreme court of Illinois and to no avail! I feel a great injustice and need prayers to help me and my daughters (hubby also) through this tough time in our lives...we will continue our fight for Emma.